U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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B-24J Liberator   BUTCH 42-50486
Manufacturing Data
Serial Number 42-50486
Model B-24J
Manufacturer Consolidated - Fort Worth, Texas
Production Block B-24J-401-CF
Color Silver aka NMF (Natural Metal Finish)
Group Data
Date Assigned to 492nd Not a 492nd plane
Obtained From unknown
Flyover Pilot unknown
Total Missions w/492nd unknown
Total WWII Missions unknown
This aircraft was thought to had served in the 492nd but new information says that is impossible.
This aircraft served in the 15th AF in Italy.
830th Squadron Code:
Tail Code: D
According to a photo, this plane was named BUTCH and it did have nose-art.
26 Dec 44: Lost w/485th, 9 KIA, MACR 10924
More Info
(No photos yet)
Crew R-30
Both Crew R-44
Perry Crew R-21
Vowinkel Crew R-35
Links to missions
flown by this plane
are below in the
Mission Record
Mission Record
Documented Missions with the 492nd BG, 856th BS
Date Mission Mission # Pilot Crew Notes
18 Jul 44 Troarns, France
 Link to Mission 52 page 52
Ruthenbeck R-30 Target: Tactical
19 Jul 44 Koblenz, Germany
 Link to Mission 53 page 53
Ruthenbeck R-30 Target: Marshalling yard
20 Jul 44 Erfurt, Germany
 Link to Mission 54 page 54
Ruthenbeck R-30 Target: Airfield
Aborted, uncredited
24 Jul 44 St Lo area, France
 Link to Mission 56 page 56
Ruthenbeck R-30 Target: Tactical
25 Jul 44 St Lo area, France
 Link to Mission 57 page 57
Ruthenbeck R-30 Target: Tactical
31 Jul 44 Ludwigshafen, Germany
 Link to Mission 59 page 59
Both R-44 Target: Chemical plant
1 Aug 44 Anizy, France
 Link to Mission 60 page 60
Both R-44 Target: Railroad bridge
3 Aug 44 Mery-sur-Oise, France
 Link to Mission 61 page 61
Ruthenbeck R-30 Target: Crossbow (V-1 rockets)
Damaged by flak
4 Aug 44 Kiel, Germany
 Link to Mission 62 page 62
Perry R-21 Target: Submarine base
Lent to the 857th BS
5 Aug 44 Brunswick, Germany
 Link to Mission 64 page 64
Vowinkel R-35 Target: Aircraft manufacturing
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Page last modified Sunday, November 14, 2010.