U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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B-24H Liberator   42-95115
Manufacturing Data
Serial Number 42-95115
Model B-24H
Manufacturer Ford - Willow Run, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Production Block B-24H-25-FO
Color Silver aka NMF (Natural Metal Finish)
Group Data
Date Assigned to 492nd Not a 492nd plane
Obtained From Replacement Depot
Flyover Pilot unknown
Total Missions w/492nd 0
Total WWII Missions unknown
This aircraft is often confused with 42-51115. This plane never flew for the 492nd, but it does appear on various records (see Footnotes).
Records show that this serial number flew with the 467th beginning on 10 May and continuing until 29 Dec 44.
25 Dec 44: In a dense fog, it crashed after takeoff from propwash from another plane. Casualty count is unclear.
More Info
(No photos yet)
Links to missions
flown by this plane
are below in the
Mission Record
467th BG site
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Page last modified Sunday, January 3, 2010.