U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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B-24H Liberator   42-95198   CLASSY CHASSY
Manufacturing Data
Serial Number 42-95198
Model B-24H
Manufacturer Ford - Willow Run, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Production Block B-24H-25-FO
Color Silver aka NMF (Natural Metal Finish)
Group Data
Date Assigned to 492nd This was not a 492nd plane
Obtained From not with 492nd
Flyover Pilot unknown
Total Missions w/492nd 0
Total WWII Missions 73
42-95198 CLASSY CHASSY was never a 492nd plane.
Until 2009, WWII and B-24 historians were led to believe this plane served in the 487th, 492nd and 446th BGs respectively. Further probing by the B-24 Research Team has proved otherwise.
Official records prove 42-95198 CLASSY CHASSY flew its last 487th mission on 17 July 44 while the 492nd records show their 198 plane flying its first 492nd mission on 13 July 44. Since it is impossible for 42-95198 CLASSY CHASSY to be in both groups at the same time, the Team concluded there had to be two different B-24s with serial numbers ending in 198.
The B-24 Team also uncovered a note in the 487th records saying the CLASSY CHASSY was transferred to the 446th during July when they converted to B-17s. The Team also found MACR 8290 (missing air crew report), filed by the 446th BG on 24 August 44, explaining why two of their crewmen were missing from 42-95198 CLASSY CHASSY although the plane was not lost. The 446th also have a full view photo of 42-95198 CLASSY CHASSY clearly showing its nose art, serial number and their squadron markings. The evidence confirms this plane served in the 487th and 446th BGs. But what about the 198 in 492nd?
The Team also found an accident report for B-24H 42-51198 filed by the 785th BS, 466th BG on 8 Nov 44. This plane was reported to be damaged while parked due to ground accident fire. Take note this is with 466th not the 446th. Although this doesn't prove this plane came from the 492nd, it does prove there was another 198 plane in the 8th Air Force.
As the pieces came together the Team is reasonably certain that 42-95198 CLASSY CHASSY served in the 487th and 446th BGs while 42-51198 (no name) served in the 492nd and 466th BGs. Unless a third 198 plane shows up, there just isn't any other way to make the current pieces fit.
History of the CLASSY CHASSY
The name and nose art was painted on before it left the US by Sgt Duane Bryers stationed at Shepard Field, Texas.
This ship was orignally assigned to the 487th BG, 838th BS and given to Pete Riegel after the loss of STARDUSTER.
838th Squadron Code: 2C
Tail Code: A
Transferred to 446th BG, 704th BS, shortly after 17 July 1944
704th Squadron Code: FL
Tail Code: E
24 Aug 44: Almost shot down, two men bailed, MACR 8290
Returned to USA Jun 45
More Info
(No others yet)
487th BG site
487 BG
446th BG site
see MACR 8290
with the 446th
24 Aug 44
see 42-51198
with the466th
8 Nov 44
Mission Record
Documented Missions with the 492nd BG, 856th BS
Date Mission Mission # Pilot Crew Notes
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Page last modified Sunday, January 3, 2010.