U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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B-24J Liberator   44-40087   SWEET CHARIOT
SWEET CHARIOT flying its first and only mission on 11 May 44
Manufacturing Data
Serial Number 44-40087
Model B-24J
Manufacturer Consolidated - San Diego, California
Production Block B-24J-145-CO
Color Silver aka NMF (Natural Metal Finish)
Group Data
Date Assigned to 492nd Original aircraft for the 856th BS
Obtained From Consolidated
Flyover Pilot 2nd Lt Hugh Shalvoy Crew 618
Total Missions w/492nd 1
Total WWII Missions 1
856th Squadron Code: 5Z
Tail Code: S
11 May 44: Lost w/Shalvoy Crew 618
On return from its first and only mission the ship ran out of fuel, crashlanding at a B-17 base near Bury St. Edmunds, England.
1 KIA, and 3 seriously wounded and returned to the USA.
Aircraft believed to have been taken by the 389th BG for salvage (see Footnotes).
Aircraft replaced with 42-95160. Due to the fact that the plane replacing SWEET CHARIOT was assigned the letter S, our theory is SWEET CHARIOT's tail would have had an S as well. But none of the 492nd planes had their tails painted on the Group's first mission.
More Info
Shalvoy Crew 618
Links to missions
flown by this plane
are below in the
Mission Record
Mission Record
Documented Missions with the 492nd BG, 857th BS
Date Mission Mission # Pilot Crew Notes
11 May 44 Mulhouse, France
 Link to Mission 01 page 01
Shalvoy 618 Target: Marshalling yard
Lost: Crashlanded in the UK, 1 KIA, 4 WIA, 5 RTD
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Page last modified Saturday, September 1, 2007.