U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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1450th Ordnance Company
The 1450th Ordnance Company handled the bombs. Aside from loading and off-loading bombs on the planes, they maintained the bomb dump. Convoys were constantly delivering bombs to North Pickenham, making their work an around the clock job. The 492nd Bomb Group ran 67 missions in 89 days, which made for a very demanding workload for the 1450th.
At times the bomb supply was so low that they had to drive to Watton and pick up more bombs themselves. There were also some periods when all available hands at North Pickenham were ordered to help out at the bomb dump. Even the kitchen cooks were out there handling bombs. These boys did a great job, as the 492nd never once ran out of bombs or had to scrub a mission because their planes couldn't be loaded.
This able unit was commanded by 1st Lt Jonathan Poriss. They stayed on at North Pickenham when the Group was disbanded in August and the 491st BG moved in. The 491st BG moved in because their own base was destroyed when their bomb dump accidently exploded.
The links on this page listing the Officers and Enlisted Men that served in the 1450th are incomplete and may well contain errors. We've compiled these lists by collecting bits and pieces from official records, special orders and from written accounts by the veterans themselves. We are in the process of trying to figure out who all was in the 1450th and what they did. Our lists are a work in progress and will be corrected as new information comes in from our visitors.
1450th Links
Database of
1450th Personnel
1450th - Officers
Listings of all the known officers
that served with the 1450th
1450th - Enlisted Men
Listings of all the known enlisted men
that served with the 1450th
Other 1450th links will be added soon
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Page last modified Friday, February 16, 2007.